What is Aperture (f-stop number) in DSLR camera

what is Aperture?
Aperture is nothing but a hole. In camera, it is the opening that controls the light rays to fall on the film(sensor). It is measured in terms of f-stop numbers.
It is calculated as f-stop number = focal length of lens / diameter of hole.
It is denoted as f/2.8 , f/4,.....
In general, we have following f-stop numbers  f/2.8, f/4, f/5.6, f/8, f/11, f/16, f/22.
Lesser is the number like f/2.8, less will be the area in focus and vice-versa. So while taking a picture say a flower, choosing a smaller f-number will give an effect where only flower is sharp and background is blur. And when you wish to take a picture of whole garden then choose a large f-number so that everything is in focus.

Suggested exercise: Depending on lighting conditions choose a shutter speed and keep it constant (say 1/200). Now try clicking pics by changing only f-stop number each time. Make sure you don't change the subject(say flower) you are shooting!

You will notice two important things,

  • With increasing f-stop number the picture is getting darker which means in low light conditions one can lower f-stop number and in bright day light one can have high f-stop number.
  • The area which is in focus(sharp) increases with increase in f-stop number.

Video credits Lori Allen


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