Which Camera to buy?

I classify cameras into three types:
  1. Point and shoot cameras
  2. Bridge Camera
  3. Professional Camera
  • As the name says "point and shoot" camera is for those situations where one has to point the camera to the object and just click. Almost all the compact digital cameras fall into this category. They are designed and automated such a way that everything is done in one click. Suggested for everyone, even to those who want to be a professional photographer because it very compact, easy to handle and quick.  
         Pros: Automatic features, Portability, Compact and Quick.
         Cons: Very few manual options                                                                           
  • Bridge Camera: It is a bridge between full automatic and total manual camera. It carries all the technology from point and click camera and adds some more manual features to it making it more versatile and good starter kit for enthusiastic learners.They tend to have more zoom capability as well.
         Pros: Like DSLR and Versatile
         Cons: Almost DSLR but not DSLR.
  • Professional Camera: All DSLRs and SLRs with full manual operation fall into this category. Most of these cameras have standard 35mm film and high sensitive sensor. These are very accurate and have true colours.
        Pros: Everything
        Cons: No hands on it until you know how to use it.(Any damage might cost you as much as the camera   itself!)

Video credits Gadget TV


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